• It has laxative properties.
• Delays cellular aging.
• Strengthens the immune system.
• Stimulates the production of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.
• Can prevent arteriosclerosis.
• It helps us regulate the instestinal transit.
• Reduces the risk of suffering cerebral and cardiac infarction.
• Reduces levels of uric acid or gout.
• It helps us prevent kidney stones.
• It is ideal to control weight because it contains low levels of calories, helps cleanse the blood by releasing it from fats, is appropriate to reduce cholesterol and helps bone formation and maintenance.
This fruit is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains vitamins of group B (such as B1 or thiamine, B3 or niacin and B2 or rivoflavin), minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and has high water content and possesses vegetable protein and soluble fiber. The seeds, which are edible, contain beneficial fatty acids.