• It has a high antioxidant power, which causes it to eliminate free radicals, causing cell aging and cancer.
• There are 84 types of xanthones in its composition (aloe contains 3 xanthones), which are biologically active molecules that fight against viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites.
• Contains high levels of potassium.
• It is considered antibacterial, antiviral and fingicidal. Increases defenses and contains vitamin B12.
• It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-tumor properties.
• The pulp and rind of this fruit is rich in hydroxy citric acid (HCA) that inhibits the creation of fat, prevents excess blood cholesterol.
• Its high potassium content
This fruit provides elements such as fiber, hydroxycitric acid, calcium, quinones, phosphorus, phenols, potassium, stilbenes, B vitamins, vitamin C, catechins and xanthones that are phytonutrients.

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